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Sunday, December 18, 2005

This is the Owen's Valley where the Town of Bishop California sits.... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Introducing our first ever "MEN IN KILTS" Calendar contest... Yes this is fun fun fun..... Ladies hold on to your kerchiefs and be ready to vote, men you may vote too.... On with the proceedings...... Posted by Picasa

First entry, the genuine look of a man in a Kilt.... Place your vote now.... Posted by Picasa

Now remember this is what real Scottish men in Kilts are supposed to look like, this is from a real Scottish wedding.... No vote required... How beautiful it is too.... Posted by Picasa

Someone sent this photo in as there choice.... We do not think the parties are aware that there photo was sent in... We are sorry for the inconvenience, so no vote required.... Posted by Picasa

This one was entered just for fun, seeing how kilts work while swining in a swing from a tree.... No vote required, thank you... Posted by Picasa

This young man should be from Hollywood but instead is from the Highlands of Northern California... Please vote now! Posted by Picasa

This young man hails from California, somewhere in the mountainous ranges.... Please vote now! Posted by Picasa

Another one of our California entries.... Please place your vote now! Posted by Picasa

We were not expecting this type of photo to be entered..... Please place your vote now! Posted by Picasa

We do not know how this entry made its way to us, but place your vote now! Posted by Picasa

This young man hails from Scotland and is in his very own Kilt..... Please place your vote here....... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 03, 2005

This is a view from the front door.... Yep it really is in California...... Posted by Picasa

Now this looks like a Chevy Commercial..... But its not! This is just five minutes outside of town on a dirt road that leads into the White Mountains..... Ain't it pretty..... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I am proud to be an American and proud to know that our young men and women of our Armed Forces are being guided and directed by Generals and Admirals such as Four Star General Peter J. Schoomaker, Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
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Have you ever been in a situation where all of a sudden your mind goes into the �outer limits� of rational thinking? Well, I have on many occasions and it happened recently while proudly attending our eldest son, �Cody�s�, graduation from Basic Training at Fort Benning Georgia. On Thursday November 17th we attended the Turning Blue Ceremony in which the Infantry Soldiers are authorized to wear the Infantry Blue Cord on their right shoulder and blue disks under the collar brass signifying that they are an Infantry soldier. The Infantry is the only branch of the Army that is authorized a cord and family members are asked to participate in this ceremony by attaching the cord. It was a wonderful event and one that we are very proud of our �Cody� for having achieved. Cody's brother Beau also graduated from Fort Benning Georgia four years ago. Their youngest brother Sterling, graduated from the Great Lakes Naval Base in 2004, our son�s have made us very proud and honored to be their parents.
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The dreaded Drill Sargeant Posted by Picasa

What can I say? Posted by Picasa

Dad had the honor once again of attaching the Blue Cord on another son... What a moment! WHOOA...... PRAISE GOD AND THANK YOU JESUS.... He made it! Posted by Picasa

Yep that's my boy! I should learn not to call his name when at attention...... Posted by Picasa

Little ones wait to greet their father, which they haven't seen in 14 weeks..... Posted by Picasa

What a look of accomplishment...... HOOAH!!!!! Posted by Picasa

HOOAH, he gets to go with us for 8 hours..... YEA...... Posted by Picasa

At the end of the Turning Blue Ceremony, the young men proudly wear and show their Blue Cord and the medals they have earned.... Now a night out with the family before graduation the following morning. Posted by Picasa

Graduation Day November 18, 2005.... As the band played the National Anthem, a Platoon of Soldiers prepares to put on a display for the families which includes the Bradley's, Smoke Mortar's and men in Gillis. Awesome.... Posted by Picasa