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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

On patrol again in Baghdad...... This is a nice roadside hazard cause they don't explode and kill you.... Posted by Picasa

Now, I think he is asking the same question we are, "what the heck is going on here?" Posted by Picasa

On patrol near Baghdad.... Posted by Picasa

In the night somewhere in Baghdad... Yep, this is through my son's "night vision" goggles.... What a picture.... Posted by Picasa

Kinda reminds me of Los Angeles on a slow weekend.... Just kidding..... Posted by Picasa

I wonder if I could drive this truck? Look out shopping mall here I come! Posted by Picasa

A sad look on the face of this Soldier, I wish they did not have to see the things they have seen, nor witness the atroscities of terrorism that men wage on innocent victims. God Bless our Troops.....please in the Awesome Name of Jesus..... Posted by Picasa

I am proud and honored that our young men and women of the United States are in Iraq to secure freedom for those who were so long oppressed and murdered by their leadership. Please support our troops in prayer and in every way you can. Let them know that we are behind them until they all return home. God Bless our Troops and those of the UK, Australia and all the other's that are continuing to fight terrorism. Posted by Picasa

Now thats a bullet! This is really not something a mom wants to see her son holding, but then again, what a great comfort to know he isn't using a pea shooter or a sling shot.... Posted by Picasa

Peekaboo..... Posted by Picasa

A camera is a wonderful thing to have and even though things are bad around you, there is some fun that can come through, in the simplest of ways, a color book page to send home.....  Posted by Picasa

While on patrol outside Baghdad, this is just one of the many roadside hazards. Why kill so many of their own? What is the sense of killing innocent people, I guess, only the horrid terrorists know what logic they find in this. Their reward is not in heaven, their reward is eternal and fixed as God does not honor those who kill for the pleasure of killing to make a point! What do these "animals" gain from killing their own, I think this will be the greatest question, historians looking back to this time, will be asking. Posted by Picasa

It is good to see a smiling face and know there are still things these young brave men can smile about. God Bless Our Soldiers, in the MOST POWERFUL NAME IN ALL THE EARTH AND HEAVEN,,, THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 07, 2006

"Bad Boy, Bad Boy, what yah gonna do, what ya gonna do when he comes for you?" Yep that our Chief of Police in a Missouri town and he is on the look out for the MOST WANTED! Posted by Picasa

Yes, this is a Chief of Police in Missouri, is he sober? YOU BETCHA! Is he a good Cop? YOU BETCHA! His he related to Goofy? YOU BETCHA! Yep thats our boy Clint..... sort of.... Posted by Picasa

Remember, Don't be afraid if you should see this man, he is one of Missouri's finest..... Chief of Police Clint.... My son-in-law.... Ain't he cute..... Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

And this is something we should be remembering when we think of our loved ones in Iraq. Posted by Picasa