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Saturday, June 27, 2009


Totally rad, after more than a year again, I am back at "Fairy Tales Come True"... Yep, yep, yep, it took signing up for another blog and the Fairy from this blog found me and here I am again.. Posting in pictures was a blast for a few years but then it got old, at least for me because I thought I had things that needed to be said about life. Now that several years have gone by since I first started this blog, I realize, I have even more to say. Go figure!

A lot has gone on since this blog started and a lot of unbelievable stuff was going on when I was first writing it. We have been involved with a legal battle with the United States Government and the Treasury that involves more than one presidency and a bunch of really crazy guys in Washington. But, I can't talk about that right now as it is "top secret". I have been chomping at the bits to get our story out there but all legal advisers can say is "not a good idea"... "Balderdash" I say..... When those in charge of our freedoms and rights have no problem with stripping you of everything, I think it is time for open battle where the public can see just what corruption actually goes on behind the scenes in the White House and clear around the world to a whole different culture of people.

We have been "kept in poverty" as it was explained to us because this way we can't make a living and also fight our own government for monies owed to us. Wow, now that's a thought isn't it, reality is a real slap in the face when some one else is pulling the strings. I'd rather be singing the old Pinocchio song "I got no strings to tie me down", but unfortunately, there are strings attached and I have to keep my mouth shut. Not cool, not cool at all.

Well stayed tuned world, we don't know what I might do now as they have backed us into a corner and the only thing we can do is fight to get out. Corruption in the higher ranks runs rampant and even the new administration has joined with three of the past and made our lives miserable. Who'da thunk, one man with a large family could cause so much attention in trying to save our own economy that they want him "out of the way and the problem dealt with". My, my, my, give America a kiss good bye because the American dream is being suppressed beyond recognition.

Prayerfully, I will be allowed to post the whole of the documentation and legal brief here at some point soon because I am tired of being pushed around by the thugs of Washington and placed in a position that jeopardizes everything we have worked our entire lives for.