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Monday, January 23, 2006

On the road in Texas we had a fun fun fun time...... First stop..... Posted by Picasa

Here is where we started on one of our adventures in Texas. Posted by Picasa

The journey was about to begin and it all started here in this nice little shop off the freeway that said "Inner Space Cavern Adventure Tours Deep Inside the Heart of Texas.... Come Explore"...... What an awesome adventure..... Posted by Picasa

This was the opening to one of their other tours where you have to be super brave to go because it involves crawling and slithering through holes for yards at a time where you can't even turn over in. Posted by Picasa

The descent began on board a tram of sorts and it was spooky as one of the little ones on board began to experience a slight fear of entering the hole.... Posted by Picasa

This looked like a Mocha Latte..... Posted by Picasa

It was mind blowing, just check it out..... Posted by Picasa

Father and Son, or the short and tall. What a day it was to spend with our son before he leaves for a war zone. We praise and give God all the Glory for allowing us such a wonderful 5 days with him. Knowing that he will be gone for a year to Iraq, does not make a mom feel to good, but knowing he is going with the prayers of family and friends behind him all the way, well, it does help quite a bit. God is with him and Jesus is with him and so is the Holy Spirit and a whole lot more young men and women just like him. WHOA, HOOAH, PRAISE GOD AND THANK YOU JESUS. Posted by Picasa

Dad and his long hair.... Check out clearance..... Posted by Picasa

This was one tiny living creature we found living in the cavern, it is a baby bat. It was about the size of a parakeet all nestled and sleeping in one of the rock formations. Posted by Picasa

I may be wrong, but in some cultures I believe I have seen things like this expressed in their art work. While looking and pondering how amazing this all was, it gave me ample time to think about those cultures and wonder "had they been in cavern's similar to this one and the many that stretch across the United States.....or the world, for that matter????? Posted by Picasa

On this adventure, I only had one goofy episode and one that I hope remains secret for years. The rule is in the Cavern's that you don't touch anything and even though I and everyone else was tempted, we didn't touch anything, on purpose.... Notice how beautiful this formation is, when you look at it close up it looks like melted wax running down the rocks, but it is solid. At this juncture, our guide forgot to inform us that the slope was slippery and wet. As we began our descent here, my feet became goofy (as usual) and my departure from an upright position was rapidly affecting where I might wind up. What is the natural reflex motion that one takes when quickly falling to the ground? Reach and grab for the nearest source of salvation ~ message there of another nature too..... I did just that and grabbed the nearest rock and clung for my life..... Behind me a voice was quietly yelling, "mom, get your hand off the rock, you are going to be in serious trouble", naturally my mind went to goofy mode, just like my feet and I quickly let go and began a running marathon with the ground and the sky. Needless to say, when I finally came to a hault, I was still standing and had managed to pass everyone else in our tour up and left them behind..... It was most embarassing, but I survived till the next adventure...... Posted by Picasa

When the lights are out, you can't see anything... Posted by Picasa

Check out the Stalactites in this photo. No not me, I aint that old..... Yes I wore white for a purpose, you'll have to read on to understand.... Posted by Picasa

Even though the lighting was wrong for the photo, it came out too cool... Posted by Picasa

What can I say? Posted by Picasa

The largest part of the Cavern we explored.... Yeedoggies the fun is just beginning... Posted by Picasa

Look how incrediably awesome these formations are, they look like they are straight out of some sci fi movie. Posted by Picasa

So way cool... Posted by Picasa

In 1963 while building Interstate 35 through Georgetown Texas, the Texas Highway department lost 17 drill bits while drilling into the earths surface. As a means of trying to understand where the drill bits went, they sent down their youngest and smallest employee who was age 19, into a hole 20" in diameter. The young employee then dropped into the darkness 17 feet to the floor of what is now known as the "Inner Space Cavern." How spooky must that have been for this young man..... But how totally Awesome too..  Posted by Picasa

Awesome photo..... Posted by Picasa

Its getting spooky.... Posted by Picasa

"Where does it lead?" was my question... Posted by Picasa

Now this looks totally unreal, but it is real.... Another awesome formation that at first glance looks like melted wax with flecks of glitter from the stars.... but it is solid rock... Posted by Picasa

This little trail continued to who knows where and as soon as we past by it and heard the explanation of our little tour guide, a certain father and son disappeared from the tour. Were they ever seen again, you betcha, and nobody noticed they had been missing for quite some time..... Some kids never grow up....and they take their pocket flash mega lights everywhere. Posted by Picasa