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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Well our next big adventure is going to take us to Washington D.C., where we have to take on the powers that be and demand our rights as free citizens... Long story and can't tell it here...... Our little pug Twinkie, well, she didn't want dad going without her so she climbed into his suitcase, gave those sad little eyes her full effect and refused to budge..... Posted by Picasa

The right to peaceful demonstration..... Posted by Picasa

Yep, these kids were protesting taxes, especially the "death tax", they were pretty smart..... The old gent is a wonderful Christian Southerner who is a brother and friend to us and long time friend to those in the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate was so quiet in the halls that we started singing "the old grey mare" and it was cool cause it echoed throughout the halls..... We didn't get kicked out either....yeeehawwww Posted by Picasa

Okay now this is our Attorney and that is how you want to see you Attorney, All SMILES.... Praise God, he is a believer and is full of the love of the Lord... What a blessing he is! Posted by Picasa

These kids were so cute, they had a message and they wanted it heard and they took their convictions to the Capitol..... Posted by Picasa

Nice! Posted by Picasa

This just looked like a quaint little picture and I think the bike idea is excellent as there is so much traffic in this part of Washington, its amazing..... Posted by Picasa

Yep, thats our group all dressed up, briefcases in tow and well, lets see what we can do here.... Posted by Picasa

It is amazing how much work and craftmanship went into this building, but what goes on inside, well that is what needs constant prayer..... Posted by Picasa

Well, I think Washington D.C., needs an internal face lift too..... Posted by Picasa

Yep, yep, yep, in May it was my 29th birthday, AGAIN!!! YEEHAWWW, I LOVE BEING 29, forever....... Posted by Picasa

Psa 104:1 Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Posted by Picasa

Psa 93:1 The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, [wherewith] he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
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Psa 29:4 The voice of the LORD [is] powerful; the voice of the LORD [is] full of majesty.
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1Ch 29:11 Thine, O LORD, [is] the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all [that is] in the heaven and in the earth [is thine]; thine [is] the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.
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How awesome are His Ways! Posted by Picasa

Another adventure in May, this time it is target practicing. It is amazing to realize that this is probably one of the only towns remaining in California where we still have open range, hunting season and places to go where you can shoot and practice without paying a fee or becoming a member of a gun club. I am sure that this will change sometime in the near future but for now, it is a wholesome way to live and it teaches what the right use of a fire arm is for, hunting game for food. Whatever my kids hunt, they eat and they abide by the laws that govern our great territory. Praise God for the life He has blessed this family with, I cannot give Him enough Glory for the things He has done. Posted by Picasa

Father and youngest son prepare for scoping in a new gun, actually not new but new for them. Posted by Picasa

It is amazing what people bring out to our little local "sighting-in" ranges. I guess someone was tired of just looking at that old work out bench and decided to give it a proper job..... as a target.... Posted by Picasa

Checking the target for aim and accuracy... Posted by Picasa

The two bros., they haven't been together for 15 years as one moved back to their birth place in Iowa. This was time for good memories and just being brothers again. As small kids they were brought up in Iowa as "share-croppers". They lived in a one room house with their parents and three sisters. They started hunting and trapping for food with their father at the ages of 4 and 5 years old. They were blessed with a mother who loved the Lord and would take them to Church every Sunday, either on foot or in a wagon. They went to every Tent Revival that came through town and they learned that the Lord was their provider and that He was the one that kept them alive from day to day. They went to school with opossum, squirrel, rabbit, ground hog or whatever they trapped in their lunches and they wore shoes with no soles, but they were happy and loved and that is what meant everything to them. God kept them alive though the younger one, my husband had rickets at the age of 3 and had eaten a pound of plaster out of the wall before they realized what was wrong. God's hand has been on these men since they were babes. The older of the two has a testimony that would knock your socks off. When the family moved to California while they were still yet young, the eldest bro fell into the wrong crowd and eventually became a biker with one of the worst gangs in the U.S., even more violent than the Hells Angels were at that time. God grace was upon him and kept him alive through the violence and drug years and eventually, he found his way back to God. What a testimony there! Maybe someday I can share it......  Posted by Picasa

This is the competition part of our day of shooting.... Dad in the middle, youngest son on the left and his future bride on the right....  Posted by Picasa

Blogging backwards is hard business because I don't seem to always be able to get them in the right order. The worst part about this whole thing is, I lost my password to this blog and I have tried over and over again to get access so that I can go in a correct typo's but, so far, no one has responded in 6 months to my request for help from Blogger.... So whats a person to do, but just keep using Bloggerbot and share as best I can. By the way, this whole section of my blog is bringing you up to date from May to the current date in October... May take a while but it is sure a lot of fun to share. Anyone out there who can get Blogger to help me out, please do or if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Posted by Picasa

Our Soldier bought his bride a puppy before he left, to keep her company and eventually to provide protection while he was away fighting in Iraq. Posted by Picasa

Well here is our most recent bride stuck with this zaney family as her husband our son, headed back to Iraq to serve his country. We have truly been blessed with her as a part of our family. What an amazing story, he comes home on leave from Baghdad Iraq for two weeks and in the second week he meets this little gal. During that week we had many fun adventures and if you go into the archives of this blog, you will see some of those adventures and their wedding that took place at the end of his two week leave. She was truly made for him and this marriage we were afraid wouldn't survive because they barely knew eachother, has blossomed into a real match truly made in heaven. WHOA, PRAISE GOD AND THANK YOU JESUS.... You see Fairytales do come true, when God is the source of the reality of the story!  Posted by Picasa