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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What a joyful moment for everyone present, seeing our boys begin to fill the parade grounds. Posted by Picasa

The Army has changed the heigth requirement. Cody said that the shorter guy out did all the others at every level... Posted by Picasa

Cody's Battalion... Posted by Picasa

There were quite a few Generals that were there which further added to the excitement of the ceremonies. Posted by Picasa

General Schoomaker was a surprise to see at the ceremonies but he gave a most excellent speech to the young men. Part of it was to congratulate them for a "job well done". It was awesome.... Posted by Picasa

This is what Gillis look like... that is what they are wearing. We also use them to play paint ball... Posted by Picasa

There is our flag, HOOAH! Posted by Picasa

the official Army song, based on The Caissons Go Rolling Along)by Brigadier General E.L. Gruber Intro (note: the introduction is not included on the music) March along, sing our song, with the Army of the free Count the brave, count the true, who have fought to victory We�re the Army and proud of our name We�re the Army and proudly proclaim
First to fight for the right,
And to build the Nation�s might,
And The Army Goes Rolling Along
Proud of all we have done,
Fighting till the battle�s won,
And the Army Goes Rolling Along.

Then it�s Hi! Hi! Hey!
The Army�s on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong (TWO! THREE!)
For where e�er we go,
You will always know
That The Army Goes Rolling Along.

Valley Forge, Custer�s ranks,
San Juan Hill and Patton�s tanks,
And the Army went rolling along
Minute men, from the start,
Always fighting from the heart,
And the Army keeps rolling along.

Then it�s Hi! Hi! Hey!
The Army�s on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong (TWO! THREE!)
For where e�er we go,
You will always know
That The Army Goes Rolling Along.

Men in rags, men who froze,
Still that Army met its foes,
And the Army went rolling along.
Faith in God, then we�re right,
And we�ll fight with all our might,
As the Army keeps rolling along.

Then it�s Hi! Hi! Hey!
The Army�s on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong (TWO! THREE!)
For where e�er we go,
You will always know
That The Army Goes Rolling Along.
 Posted by Picasa

There is our Cody, the one in the middle of the picture, with his arm bent, to let me know he heard me call out his name... Posted by Picasa

What a handsome group of young men. Posted by Picasa

Something happens to moms or at least this mom, when seeing your son over come the obstacles of boot camp, mentally, emotionally and physically. A certain pride and a feeling of, I can do anything, spreads from their joy of accomplishment and in this case engulfed me. As I watched and listened to General Schoomaker give his speech, my mind began to wonder just how close I could get to him to take a good picture to recount the day Cody graduated. Surrounded by Military men and Security Escorts, I figured it would be fruitless to make the effort. When the speech was over and then the ceremonies had concluded, I found myself with my camera, advancing on the rear of the podium. Within a heart beat, I saw an opening in the crowd and before I could really think about anything else, my mind went to the outer limits of rational thinking and the thought came to me �I am only going to live once, so why not go for it�. I snapped a shot or two of General Schoomaker and his entourage coming down the steps, a few darts and swerves to avoid people and there I was standing with my hand extended and as the words �General Schoomaker I would like to thank you for your years of service to our country� came gushing from my mouth. The General looked around at his men and his female assistant with a look of �how did she make it to me?� The heads were nodding in amazement as I stood and he gently and politely took my hand and held it in his. He then softly yet with sincerity said �Thank you for your warm words�. The conversation continued as my husband Allen joined us and he began to question where we were from and who was graduating today. We explained we were from Bishop, California and that our eldest son was graduating as one of his younger brothers had done so four years prior, also from Fort Benning. He congratulated us on our son�s accomplishments and our commitment to raising them with respect for our country. We also explained that our youngest served with the Navy. It was a pleasant conversation that lasted several minutes and then we were asked to have our picture taken with the General and his assistant took my camera so that we would also have a picture. The camera�s came from everywhere, men and women in uniform and those with the press, it was a memorable moment and one that I will never forget.

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The little Lady with her back to us, is General Schoomaker's assistant... Notice all the Military guys surrounding him and that was only a few of them... Posted by Picasa

Here is the proof! Yep, thats Allen, me and 4 Star General Peter J. Schoomaker, Chief of Staff of the United States Army... What a gracious man he was to meet and shake hands with and talk to.. Posted by Picasa

One Soldier stood out in the crowd to us, only one! Posted by Picasa

Dad and son, a reunion worth every heart beat and every breath it took to refrain from crying as I watched and snapped each photo.... Posted by Picasa

What can I say...... Posted by Picasa

Well here we are, and look how serious a Soldier can look, yep yep yep, that's Goofy's son.... Oh yeah and that's Goofy, the one with the bright red glasses and blonde wind blown hair..... Posted by Picasa

Thats Cody and Dad discussing the ease of which something so big and weigh so much can travel so fast..... Posted by Picasa

Wow this is what I should be driving.... or maybe NOT! Posted by Picasa

That's my young man, proud that he has made it to the end of such a grueling task.... some never make it and some die trying... a sad but true fact. Posted by Picasa

Proud Dad Allen.... but look how small the inside of the Bradley is and they fit so many in it with full armor and guns of all kinds, ready to go.... Posted by Picasa

"Cody" proudly showing off the vehicle that he will be taking journeys in across the desert. That is Cody, Allen and Sterling.... Posted by Picasa

Congratulations and hugs and kisses and joy and saddness all engulf the air as families are reunited with their boys..... Men that is! Posted by Picasa

After the pomp and ceremony the young men are marching back to their barracks to collect their gear and be dismissed for a 24 to 36 hour leave. Most will then be scheduled to embark on a journey to another base where they will join a Battalion that is already deployed or about to be deployed to somewhere, such as Iraq, Afganistan, etc.... Most mom's and dad's, wife's and girlfriend's at this point are proud and full of fear all at the same time. We will all be cherishing every moment we have with them in the next few hours. Posted by Picasa

As the Bradley's retire from the field for the day.... and what a day it was... Posted by Picasa